Produced 21 FC titled offspring Five FC titled siblings. Air Express was from a litter bred by Eddie Bauer to August Belmont's male, Super Chief, and owned by Belmont. He was on 1970 Derby list with 24 points. His sibblings were quite an accomplished group and Air Express was the only titled male in his litter of eight. The records show Air Express with 14.5 Open points and 26 Amateur points. Qualified for National Amateurs in 1972 and 1973.
His titled offspring include FC-AFC A P Charlie, CFC Air Frieght, FC-AFC Expo's Super Tanker, FC-AFC Itchin' To Go, FC Nan-Dool's Terra Express, FC Oakhill Exponent, 86 CNFC-FC Overland Express, CFC Three Nations Dart Of Abilena, FC-AFC Tidewater Max Pak, FC-AFC-CFC Trieven Thunderhead, AFC Trumarc's Shindana, Dual CH-AFC Trumarc's Triple Threat, FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Twiggy's Holiday Express, FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Wanapum Connie's Outlaw,FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Wanapum Super Sioux, FC-AFC Wanapum Sky Shooter, CFC Washington's Full Tilt, FC-AFC-CFC Wingover Clean Sweep, 86 NAFC-FC Winsom Cargo, FC-AFC Winsom Gina, CH Wyndcall's Water Sprite. There are 90 titled grand-offspring from his offspring over half are sired by Trieven Thunderhead and Itchin' To Go |