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Below is a list of the dogs that are full and half siblings to CH Brentwood's Honkey Tonk . This may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based on the information users enter.
FULL Siblings of CH Brentwood's Honkey Tonk
CH Brentwood's Honkey Tonk
OFA Hips: OFA62

HALF Siblings by sire
CH Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song
Accipiter American In Paris
AmCH Accipiter Rose Of Tralee
CH Brentwoods Honkey Tonk
OFA Hips: LR-15884-T
Brentwoods Sweet Molly Brown
OFA Hips: OFA85G
CH Darling's Rolling Stone
OFA Hips: OFA25G
Groveton's Waverly Wonder
Grovetons Wonder Women
Haverhill's Belquest Rusty CD
Ch. Houyhnhmn's Grace CDX WC
CH Houyhnhnm's Grace CDX
OFA Hips: OFA27
Mardas Charlie Brown (Charly,Charley)
Mardas Charlie Brown Of Jimjoy
Mardas Mona Liza
Mardas Moonglow
Sam's Midas Touch Brandy
OFA Hips: LR-14712
Shermill Sonja Of Mardas
Springfield's Bourbon Street
OFA Hips: OFA27
CH Springfield's Dinorah CD
CH Springfield's Marzipan
OFA Hips: OFA37
Springfield's Scandal
Springfield's Whist
Val-lee's Ko-ko Rebe
Westerhall Augustus
No Half siblings in database out of Dam

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