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Hunting lab pedigree
Search/Add Dog(full or part Registered Name - WITHOUT Titles) Breed: Labrador Ret.


Below is a list of the dogs that are full and half siblings to SHR Sugar Lee Robertson . This may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based on the information users enter.
FULL Siblings of SHR Sugar Lee Robertson
SHR Dixie's Blackened Creole Cooper JH OA OAJ AXP AJP CGCA
EIC: LR-EIC1810/4M-VPI (Normal)
HRCH Dixie's Shadow Of Tara Belle
OFA Hips: LR-201915E31F-VPI Excellent
OFA Elbow: LR-EL57741F31-VPI
Dixie's Southern Karma

HALF Siblings by sire
HRCH Cody's Blackjack Gambler
HR Bella Naquin
Blackjack's Ace Of Spades
HRCH UH Blackjack's Aces and Deuces Wild
OFA Hips: LR-209754E34M-VPI excellent
EYE CERF/CAER: LR-Eye1350/21MVPINormal
Boo's Cajun Eva
Briarmarsh's Jayzee Does It
Chad's Coal Cash
Coal's E-Z Blackjack
Derek's Champ
Eyes To The Skyee
HRCH Gator Leroux Miller
OFA Hips: LR-209223G26M-VPI
OFA Elbow: LR-EL63417M26-VPI
King East
Lil Bit Of Jack
My Golly Miss Mazie
Quelles Cajun Steele Shot
Robert's Ramblin Zoey
Romero's Remington Black
Trooper Jack of All Trades
Zach &Noah's Number One Zipp
Zee's Gamble To The Max
No Half siblings in database out of Dam

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