Elite Labrador Retrievers perfectmarc Dairyland Retrievers uslabs Drypond kennel ValeRetr
MCK thunderequipment Holzinger Kennels rainmaker Preformance labs
Club Mead StormyRiverRetrievers FC AFC Ten Cross Creek Kennel gundogranch
Hunting lab pedigree
Search/Add Dog(full or part Registered Name - WITHOUT Titles) Breed: Labrador Ret.


Welcome to the database for Hunting & Working Labradors Retrievers.  HuntingLabPedigree.com is a free online database for the field Labrador Retriever.

* Labrador Retrievers
* Boykin Spaniels -  www.huntingboykinpedigree.com
* Chesapeake Bay Retriever -  www.chessiepedigree.com

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(WITHOUT Titles)


(DO NOT include TITLES when searching or adding dogs. This may result in a false search or duplicate dogs)..
Titles examples are FC, AFC, MH, SH, HRCH, HR, CH - show titles, WCX, and etc...

By clicking "search/ADD a Dog"  you are accepting the terms & conditions stated in the Terms & condition page

HRCH Our Gangs Little Rascal Petey MH
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For full stud dog list (click here)

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* To ADD, EDIT, or FIND a dog you fill out the search box. You do NOT have to register to search for dogs; however if you want to add or edit information you will need to register. (FREE to register, FREE to add or edit dogs)
* Free Pedigree entry and registration
* Edit Lock your dog's information. (where no one else can change their information.)
* Free Litter entry and search
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* Personal Stud Page (click here)
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(All proceeds goes back into Hunting Lab Pedigree database updates,  management,  and hosting fees)

***Hunting Lab Pedigree retriever database is based on American and Canadian information; However if you are from another country and would like to have your countries hunting retriever information included please click here

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