Genetic Pedigree of Mallard Manor's Adah / Genetic Pedigree of Mallard Manor's Adah

7x GRHRCH UH Kennington's Max MH ( BLK ) (B-Y)

Hips: OFA26G
Eyes: clear
EIC: Clear
Tina's Black Doodlebug MH ( BLK )
Hips: OFA60G
FC AFC Blackwater Rudy MH ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-75788E24M (EXCELLENT)
Eyes: LR-22429 (Normal)
CNM: (CLEAR) Per White List
FC AFC Blackwater Bart II ( BLK )
Hips: LR-45510G27M (Good)
Eyes: LR-5992 (Normal)
Little Misty Of Tulsa QAA ( BLK )
Hips: LR-33523G49F (Good)
Eyes: LR-5171 (Normal)
  Honcho's Li'l Miss Hot Stuff MH ( BLK )
  Decell's Honey Graham ( YLW )
 FTW Hamford Quill ( YLW )
FTCH Hamford Dee ( UNKN )
Hamford Hotlips ( UNKN )
Honey Golden Desire ( YLW )

Marolyn Monroe's Midnight Dream ( BLK )

Flying Cyress Sambo ( BLK ) (B-Y)
HRCH Cropper's Rice Paddy Daddy ( YLW ) (Y-B)
Hips: LR-87624G34M-T (Good)
'93 NAFC FC M D's Cotton Pick'n Cropper (2016 Hall Of Fame) ( YLW )
Hips: LR-48990G24M (Good)
Eyes: LR-8728/93,99 (Normal)
Ginkgo's Black Diesel Tanker ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-49886F25F-T (FAIR)
HRCH Cypress Knees Flying Lucy ( BLK )
Hips: LR-112952G24F-PI (Good)
HR No Steel Pure Lead Buckshot ( BLK )
Hips: LR-88977G85M-T (Good)
HRCH Grand Prairie White Lightening ( YLW )
Hips: LR-88978E24F-T (Excellent)
Eyes: LR-29891 (Normal)
Bailey Brook Gatlin Girl ( YLW )
Rockports Dakota Snow ( YLW )
CH Snowberry's Dakota Gold ( YLW )
Hips: LR-52475G29M (Good)
Eyes: LR-5777 (Normal)
Stone's Smiles With The Sun ( YLW )
Hips: LR-82955G43F-T (Good)
Brooks' Bailey's Irish Cream II ( YLW )
Delta's First Morning Dew ( YLW )
Roxy's Princess Anastasia ( YLW )

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR